calculate the capacity and renege parameters over the period of data per month waited
calculate the capacity and renege parameters over the period of data per month waited
max_months_waited = 12,
full_breakdown = FALSE
- referrals
data frame with two columns; period_id and referrals. This represents the count of referrals in each period
- incompletes
data from with three columns; period_id, months_waited_id, and incompletes. This represents the count of incomplete pathways by the number of months waited for each period
- completes
data from with three columns; period_id, months_waited_id, and treatments. This represents the count of completed pathways by the number of months waited for each period
- max_months_waited
integer; the maximum number of months to group patients waiting times by for the analysis. Data are published up to 104 weeks, so 24 is likely to be the maximum useful value for this argument.
- redistribute_m0_reneges
logical; should negative renege counts in the zero months waited stock be reassigned to referrals?
- full_breakdown
logical; include a full breakdown of monthly transitions by period. FALSE provides the parameters by months_waited_id only
max_months <- 4
refs <- create_dummy_data(
type = "referral",
max_months_waited = max_months,
number_periods = 6
incomp <- create_dummy_data(
type = "incomplete",
max_months_waited = max_months,
number_periods = 6
comp <- create_dummy_data(
type = "complete",
max_months_waited = max_months,
number_periods = 6
params <- calibrate_capacity_renege_params(
referrals = refs,
incompletes = incomp,
completes = comp,
max_months_waited = max_months,
redistribute_m0_reneges = TRUE